The Wrist Support is designed by high quality Neoprene to allow ventilation and to provide maximum comfort, compression and support to the wrist before, during and after common exercise. Excellent quality Velcro fastening leads to put on and off easily. 2. Optional sizes to fit comfortably. 3. Injury prevention during activities requiring repetitive movement of […]
The Wrist Support is designed by high quality Neoprene to allow ventilation and to provide maximum comfort, compression and support to the wrist before, during and after common exercise.
- Excellent quality Velcro fastening leads to put on and off easily.
2. Optional sizes to fit comfortably.
3. Injury prevention during activities requiring repetitive movement of the wrist.
4. Reduces pain and swelling.
تم تصميم دعامة المعصم من مادة النيوبرين عالية الجودة للسماح بالتهوية وتوفير أقصى قدر من الراحة والضغط والدعم للمعصم قبل وأثناء وبعد ممارسة التمارين الرياضية.
يؤدي تثبيت الفيلكرو عالي الجودة إلى ارتدائه وخلعه بسهولة.
أحجام اختيارية لتناسب بشكل مريح.
الوقاية من الإصابات أثناء الأنشطة التي تتطلب حركة متكررة للمعصم.
يخفف الألم والتورم.